Jul 29, 2012

Committing and pushing are different

I have been very used to SVN. So git is a bit alien to me. While in SVN, I would just add and commit, In git, there is an extra step. After committing, you push it as well.

I guess in a way it makes sense because the local repository is also treated as a master, so you could first commit to the local repository and then push it to the remote repository/central repository.

But it's still really different from svn where no pushing is needed.

Git commands that I am learning for this sequence

git add file
git commit -m "some message here"
git push origin master

Basic git commands

Make a local repository:

git init


git init newdirectory

Add new files

git add filename

Add everything

git add ..

Commit a file version

git commit -m "Adding files"

Check files

git status

Commit all modified files without adding

git commit -a

With a message

git commit -a -m "some message"

Commit only specific files

git commit -m "change some files" file1 file2

Publish the repository

STEP 1: Make a "bare" repository, and upload it to a server.

cd /tmp
git clone --bare ~/your/repo/path project.git
scp -r project.git ssh://example.com/~/www/

Push commits to the server:

git push ssh://example.com/~/www/project.git

No need to type URL all the time - because git remembers the server of the clone

cd ..
git clone ssh://example.com/~/www/project.git project
git push

Can edit .git/config to add this address.

Get Upstream Changes and merge with the local repository

git pull

Pull from a specific place

git pull http://git.example.com/project.git

Looking into the log of commits

git log

Remove everything from a planned commit - without changing files

git reset HEAD


git rm file

Branching and Merging

git branch test

Checkout command to change branches.

git checkout test

The first branch, or main branch, is called "master."

git checkout master

Advanced Git

Switch back to master branch and merge

git checkout master
git merge test

And if you're done with the branch you can delete with the branch command and pass the -d flag.

git branch -d test

Traveling Through Time: Look at past versions

git checkout HASH

Uncommited changes will travel with you. Return to the preset with git checkout master as with normal branches. If you commit while in the past a branch is automatically created and your changes will have to be merged forward.

Sweeping Changes Under the Rug for Later

When moving between branches your local changes move with you. Sometimes you want to switch branches but not commit or take those changes with you. The Git command stash lets you put changes into a safe store.

git stash

You can retreive by passing an arguement of apply or pop.

git stash apply

The difference between apply and pop is simple. apply will take a stash state and apply it, but preserve that state in the stash. pop will take the stash state, apply it, and remove it from the stash. git stash clear empties the contents of the stash.


Google cache of the 5min git tutorial that is not longer available


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