Jul 20, 2012

Trying to migrate this blog to github

The attraction of actually being able to write, commit and maintain a version controlled blog via the linux machine as opposed to a lame wysiwyg interface like this is immensely attractive. How cool would it be to just write something and do a svn commit or a git commit.

As any of the other übercool projects I am dazzled by, this one has a learning curve too. Yes. Shocker. But it's a curve with a particularly nasty slope.

Some resources claim they have been able to create the blog in one day. Tall order for someone who just has a faint idea floating around about what to do to get this blog running on github. The thing is most of it pretty much Greek to me. I wonder what the Greek would say in this case. Most of it is pretty much Latin to me?! Anyway. You get the drift.

Thus far, I have forked this friendly bloke's blog files over at my repository at github

All this is so convoluted. Why does it have to be! Swear I am joining the teeming multitudes who are planning a better and more straightforward tutorial for someone in my position (because saying anyone in the world seemed a tad pompous).


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